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Monday, January 6, 2014

The 21 Day Sugar Detox- Day 1

So, today is day one of The 21-Day Sugar Detox, buy book here,  for me. Since I was already eating a Primal diet, I am doing Level 3 with modifications for Autoimmune. That means no egg whites, nightshades ( tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, chili powder, paprika, cayenne pepper, or potatoes), nuts, or seeds. It is by far the strictest of levels Diane Sanfilippo recommends. I'm also eliminating fermented veggies, kombucha, and sauerkraut due to suspected Candida.

I decided to follow this particular detox because I am a huge fan of Ms. Sanfilippo's book, Practical Paleo. I really resonated with her story on repairing her own health. She also has a writing style that is motivating and easy to understand. If you're thinking about changing your eating for better health, I highly recommend her books.

The first thing you should know is that I am not a big sugar fiend. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia when I was twelve years old. I have never had the "sweet tooth" the rest of my family has. I have used artificial sweeteners for years. I'm not proud of it; but, I've used everything from saccharin to Splenda. Of course, in the last fourteen years, I've been using Stevia.  When faced with a choice, I would typically choose a salty food over a sweet one. So, why am I doing a SUGAR detox?!!

The answer is quite simple. Sugar lurks in many foods. I believe I may have Candida. It is imperative that I remove all forms of sugar from my body. Candida feeds off sugar! It LOVES the stuff! I aims to KILL IT! No sugar for me!

This is how day 1 went for me. I woke up raring to go! I went to my kitchen and made my cup of organic coffee. Normally, I would add my stevia and organic half and half, both of which are not allowed on The 21-Day Sugar Detox. Today, I simply added some Organic Coconut Milk. It's definitely going to take some getting used to. While it was creamy, I missed the sweet taste the stevia provides. Go figure!

An hour later, I had a breakfast of beef bone broth and 4 Herb Tea ( which is immensely healing and can be purchased through ). I typically do not eat breakfast because I don't like to chew in the morning. I know it's weird; but, we all have our quirks! Then, I went about my business and hit the computer.

At 2 PM, I had lunch which consisted of two lettuce and grass-fed roast beef wraps. The only food I missed was the grass-fed cheddar cheese I would normally add to my wraps. It wasn't too bad, though. I also made a fresh vegetable juice with a cucumber, celery, a carrot, and half a lemon (limes and lemons are the only fruits I'm allowed). Although it wasn't bad tasting, I certainly missed the green apple I would have typically juiced with it. Back to work I went.

About an hour later, I began to get a bit of a headache. I brewed some Pau d'Arco Tea and added 50 drops of White Willow Bark Extract. Within half an hour, my headache was gone.

By the time I looked up from my computer again, it was time for me to cook dinner. On Saturday, I had prepared an entire organic chicken to use as dinners throughout the week. I cooked from a recipe in The 21-Day Sugar Detox, Lemon Chicken with Capers & Chives. Tonight, I simply reheated the breast in the oven (inside of a parchment paper bag to keep moist). Then, I wilted some spinach and red onion for one of my side dishes. As my second side dish, I wrapped slices of half an avocado with bacon and baked them in the oven on 375 degrees for 40 minutes (until crispy). My dinner was absolutely delicious! I missed nothing!

After dinner, I made my cup of coffee with Organic Coconut Milk. It tasted creamier and less jarring as this morning's cup. Then, I set to work on this blog.

I'll finish off my night with a cup of herbal tea with a tablespoon of Coconut Oil swirled in. I have no real problems to report for my first day. Tomorrow, I'll be adding a workout to my schedule. I'm curious to see what my energy level is at. Day 1 was not bad! I can totally do this!

Check out tomorrow's blog to see how day 2 goes. I'll be posting everyday, for all 21 days. Please, feel free to email me with any questions. Or, you can leave comments below. I promise to get back to you. Email:
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Yummy Spinach!
Awesomely delicious Bacon Wrapped Avocado

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