I DID IT! I have finally reached day 21 of The 21-Day Sugar Detox
.I'm not going to lie. It was tough, especially in the beginning. I have never been on such a restrictive program in my life. Now, grant it, I was on the most restrictive level ( there are 3). And, I had Candida
and Autoimmune modifications which restricted me even more. I also know, I haven't felt this good in a long, long time.
Diane Sanfilippo, author and creator of The 21-Day Sugar Detox
, asked on her Facebook community page today, if anyone was continuing with the program after completing it. I'm going to have to give that a BIG NO. With my modifications, I just don't think it's sustainable. I need my fruit and nuts. However, I will remain grain free. I'm also going to stay away from nightshades, pasteurized dairy, and some fruits and nuts. Strawberries, walnuts, and cashews can be inflammatory. I will continue to avoid these foods for the recommended 30 days. Then, I will introduce them back to my diet, one by one, to check my body's response. If they cause any bad reaction, I'll cut them out for another three weeks before trying again. Yes, it's a process.
Tomorrow, I'll post stats and photos. I know I've lost some weight on The 21-Day Sugar Detox
. I'll weigh in in the morning to see the results. I certainly feel as though my body has been detoxed. I have more energy and can move around better. My skin is starting to clear up, too. Of course, I've been putting Oil of Oregano
on all of my spots and rashes religiously. I think I'll leave my face out of the pics tomorrow. I don't want to discourage anyone. Like I always say, sometimes you have to destroy before you rebuild. Too bad it's on my face! Arg!
Meals today were pretty simple. I cooked my husband and myself brunch around 1 PM. For myself, I cooked bacon, zucchini and red onion hash, with a side of avocado.
My CrockPot was occupado, cooking up some healthy, chicken bone broth. So, for dinner, I reheated some of the chicken from last night. On the side, I smothered green beans with bacon; and, added a cup of my last batch of chicken bone broth. All was delicious, anti-inflammatory, and healthy.
Well, I'm looking forward to my first day of freedom tomorrow. Although, I felt a little nervous over the last couple of days, that nervousness is gone now. I'm not sure if I gained confidence by completing the program. Or, if I'm just happy to move forward. Either way, I feel strong and ready for the next step. I DID IT!
I hope I've encouraged some of you to begin or continue your journey to wellness. If I did it, you can, too. I'm not superhuman or special in any way. I'm just like you. I got sick of feeling sick. So, I did something about it. Was it worth it? Without a doubt, it was.
And, to those of you who don't think you can do it because it's too hard, I say, being sick is harder. Going in and out of the doctors' offices, hospitals, and urgent care clinics is hard. Having your organs removed, repaired, and probed is hard. Getting poked and invaded with needles and instruments is hard. Running to the bathroom every time you eat is hard. Suffering in pain is hard. Compared to all of that, this was easy. I'll take a change in my diet over all that mess, any day of the week.
If you need or want my help or encouragement, all you have to do is ask. I believe God put me on this earth to heal others. The fact that I have an autoimmune disease strenthens my belief. How better to heal others than to feel what they feel, suffer the way they suffer, and restore health the way they restore health? Email me or comment below. Start your healing. Tmoperillo@gmail.com
Goodnight and God Bless.
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