Yesterday, April 1st, my husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. Yes, we chose April Fools Day on purpose. It seemed to fit in perfectly with our shared sense of humor; and, it helped us to remember the date, since we're both so bad with remembering dates. Aah, 14 years of wedded bliss.
Anyway, this post is not about my anniversary. I just felt I should mention it. This post is about preparing for spring. I do feel weird calling it spring, since it was 34 degrees outside, when I woke up this morning. But, the calender tells me, it is indeed spring.
This year, I've decided to plant my very own organic garden. I have planted herbs, indoors, for years. But, I haven't had a vegetable garden in over 20 years. I'm just hoping I remember how to do everything. Thank God for the internet. I have all of the information I need, right at my fingertips.
So, on Saturday, I planted all of my vegetable and herb seeds. I planted organic cucumbers, zucchini, three varieties of lettuce, carrots, chamomile, lavender, mint, cabbage, broccoli, basil, green onions, and spinach. Now, I'm just waiting for them to sprout. I'm going to plant them all in containers, when they're ready. I decided to do container plantings because of my lack of space and optimal weather. This way, I can pull all of the containers into my three season room, when the weather gets chilly. I'm thinking we're going to have a short summer in Illinois this year. I want to try to grow my garden year round. It's quite the undertaking, I know. However, I'm tired of paying the high price of organic vegetables at the grocery store. Unfortunately, we don't have year round farmers' markets nearby.
Boho is completely enamored by the seed planting process. She has tried to help from the beginning. At one point, I looked up to find her face completely covered in Organic Potting Soil
. Of course, I had just given her a bath the night before! Now, she's appointed herself "Seed Guardian".
Stay tuned for updates on my gardening progress. I'll be posting as I go along, with what works, and what doesn't.
The next project on my spring prep, was to clean out my closet; and, change out my fall/winter clothes for my spring/summer clothes. I know not everyone does this. But, I highly suggest doing this. One, you can save space in your closet. And, two, you can get rid of clothes you haven't worn in awhile, need repair, or simply don't fit anymore.
To do a season clean-out, simply pull out all clothes that you will not be wearing for the next two seasons ( I find it easiest to go spring/summer, fall/winter), try on everything you've pulled out, if it fits, place it in a Space Saver Bag
for storage, if it doesn't fit, toss it in a bag for donation. Same goes for anything worn, frayed, or in need of repair ( unless you're going to repair it within the next hour; any longer, you probably won't get to it). Then, put all of your Space Saver Bag
into storage (under your bed, in a storage room, attic, garage). When, the season changes to your stored clothing, repeat process. Twice a year, it's like I get a closet full of new clothes!
Boho buried under piles of fall/winter clothes
My closet SPRINGS to life!
And, yes, my clothes are organized into item (jackets, skirts, dresses, shirts, pants), and then, divided into subgroups (example: camis, then sleeveless, then short sleeve, then long sleeve), and then, sorted by color. I'm a little OCD about my closet. Who am I kidding? I'm a little OCD about everything! And, that's okay!
I hope this post helps get you in the mood for your own spring prep, if you haven't done it already. Next post, I'll be giving tips on natural spring cleaning. I will include lots of great recipes for diy cleaners and brands you can trust not to poison your family.
Until then, God Bless!
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